FUTU Group mission is to bring you a carefully edited selection in a broad sense of the design. We make it through “FUTU Paper”, which is a monthly magazine dedicated to everything related to new technologies, design, business and new ideas. Each issue contains extensive articles and interviews of the particular theme and many notes devoted to novelties from various creative fields. “FUTU Paper” also has an application for iPad which get all the content presented in magazine enriched by photo materials and videos. FUTU.pl is the first such extensive Polish portal about design which allows you to keep up-to-date. FUTU app which is another element of FUTU includes extended versions of articles published on FUTU Paper and the website FUTU.pl as well as exclusive materials marked with the FUTU quality label.
  • Domplusdom.pl

  • Design It Poland

    Design It Poland is a B2B platform, which aims to effectively promote and present Polish design internationally. They spread the knowledge about the nature and history of design, as well as educate in the field of practical application of design in business.


  • Design Alive

    DESIGN ALIVE is the only magazine in Poland entirely devoted to good design. Every edition is a generous helping of trends, inspiration and what’s new in design, architecture, and interiors – and also in motoring, new technologies and fashion.  DESIGN ALIVE readers are savvy, educated and demanding consumers of the “new generation”, on the hunt for luxury, quality and aesthetics, but also for creativity, innovation and ecology – regardless of whether they are buying a new car, chair or bag. These opinion-making professionals appreciate sophisticated, modern luxury, are devoted lovers of design and are on the lookout for inspiration in every area of life.


  • Trade and Investment Promotion Section in São Paulo

    Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of Polish Embassies and Consulates were created to help Polish businesses to internationalise, particularly SMEs. Our mission is not only to help Polish companies but, also, to assist foreign businesses looking to buy goods and services in Poland or locate their activity in our country. Our offices around the world are equally sensitive to the needs and requests of Polish as well as foreign businesses.

  • Universidade de Brasília

    The Department of Design (DIn) of the University of Brasilia is part of the Institute of Arts (IdA) and offers a bachelor’s program in Design with two majors areas: Graphic Design and Product Design. The Design school at UnB was established in 1988 and has graduated around 600 students. Besides the undergraduate teaching the department offers a MA program in Design and also offers extension courses open to the community.


    O Departamento de Design (DIn) da Universidade de Brasília é parte do Instituto de Artes (IdA) e oferece o curso de bachrelado em Design com duas areas de habilitação: Programação Visual e Design do Produto. O curso foi criado em 1988 e já formou perto de 600 estudantes. Além da graduação oferece pós graduação em Design e cursos de extensão abertos à comunidade.

  • Consulate General of Poland in Curitiba

    Av. Agostinho Leão Júnior 234
    Bairro Alto da Gloria
    CEP: 80.030-110
    Curitiba – PR
    Tel.: (00 55 41) 3019 4662
    Fax: (00 55 41) 3019 7909
    e-mail: curitiba@msz.gov.pl

  • Product Placement

    PRODUCT PLACEMENT promotes design from Poland: interior and decorative products, fashion and accessories. It presents both iconic, award winning Polish objects, as well as works of young upcoming designers. The selection of objects is curated by Emilia Jakubowka, the owner of PRODUCT PLACEMENT. They are also a parter of such projects, as Wawa Design Festiwal, Gdynia Design Festiwal and local initiatives like Powiślenia or Hush.

    PRODUCT PLACEMENT, showroom, ul. Leszczyńska 12, Warszawa Powiśle






  • WILK

    WILK Open Cluster of Desing is a new initiative, set up in 2014. The project is gathering Polish designers, curators, journalist and other professionals, active within the design sector in Poland. The cluster, based in Warsaw, operates at the national level.

    The aim of the organisation is to support the evolvement of design in Poland though the promotional actions, educational programmes,  co-operation with public  and cultural institutions, developing research projects, traning and professional support for the members of the cluster, as well as seeking new business opportunities and co-ventures.

  • Fundacja Tkanka

    Tkanka Foundation was initiated to actively shape up creative energy, which starts with a collision of dissimilarity and artistic matter. They are interested in all the sources of creative tension, feeding artistic work, as e.g.:

    • clash of cultures
    • otherness of life styles
    • conflict of generations
    • gender.

    They turn these elements into a visual, theatrical or literary expressions, as well as any other hybrids on the border of arts.

    For the Tkanka Foundation art is also a form of learning about each other, creating relationships, developing valuable relations and thus – changing the world around for the better.